Search term spell checking, improved search context, better common word handling and more regular indexing
15 August 2007
Search Term Spell Checking
Searches are now checked for spelling and where appropriate an alternative ("Did you mean?") search is suggested. The system makes use of the live search
index to suggest alternative search terms based on how close search terms are
to indexed words and how often the word occurs.
Improved Search Context
The old program responsible for showing where search terms appear in results
has been replaced. The new program better handles phrases and search terms
appearing as part of linked text. It is also possible to turn context off via
the new [No context] button.
Better Common Word Handling
Sino now treats common words as being common in phrases. This speeds up
searches where users routinely put all phrases in quotes. If you want to
search for a common word, precede it with a # or a + sign as in: +the or
"sale #of goods".
More Regular Indexing
The search indexes are now more regularly reindexed. In the worst case,
all documents are reindexed every 24 hours and some indexes are updated as
often as every hour.
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